Twitter account!/UsherRaymondIV

The end of the video is set in a club with dim lights and people dancing with one another, the focus mainly on the girls bodies. The clothing Usher wears throughout the video is also very symbolic of the R&B genre, the tight fitted vest and baggy jeans along with the heavy silver chain around his neck which mimcs the image of wealth being a predominant factor in modern day R&B videos. toward the end of the video there is a short dance routine which seems to be fairly common in Ushers music videos and r&B videos.
The camera shots vary throughout this video; however, the most common camera shot is medium close up. This is frequently used within the video especially to show Usher singing to the many different women he seduces in his video. This shot allows the camera to easily capture the emotion in peoples faces. Close-ups are also used when focusing on Usher himself. When in the airport there is a sequence of high and low angle camera shots to capture Usher aand the girl coming down the escalators. After the airport scene Usher follows a girl down a New York sidewalk the camera shot used is track but follows to the side of them. In the club there are a series of close-ups of girls and Usher as well as a wide shot of the club to show the decor and create a busy vibe. When Usher is at the bar there is a close up of his wrist on which he is wearing a diamond encrusted watch which is hegemonic to the R&B genre.
The editing varies between fast pacedd editing and a normal speed. The majority of the editing within the video is simple cuts from one shot to another; however, at the beginning there is a fade from one shot to another. When transitioning from the airport scenes to the sidewalk, there is a wipe, but not a simple one, the wipe is lead by a females torso walking from one side of the screen to the other. This transitions is copied throughout the sidewalk scenes, this design of transition could be seen to represent the busy poeple walking the streets of New York. There is a dance routine that takes place infront of a back drop of a wide road lined with stereotypical New York apartments during sunset. It appears as if the saturation of the backdrop has been altered as the image is slightly orange and Usher only appears as an outline as it is firly dark.
The overall message of this video is that its hard to get over someone that were in love with. Usher meets many beautiful women throughout the video; however, as the lyrics tell the listener he is not able to 'get' with them as they all remind him of his previous relationship. There is a strong social identification within this video as it predominantly focus' on the younger adult generation. The men and women featured are all fairly young ad beautiful, this is a apparent factor in all of modern R&B music videos.
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