Sunday, 18 March 2012

Chris Brown- with you

Twitter Account!/chrisbrown

Chris Brown With you is a slow mellow song about love and only needung one person to make them feel complete. The mise en scene of this video is in an urban setting which is more associated to modern day R&B. The video takes place in an urban town at night, we see car lights and street lamps lighting up the iconic 'LA' streets with huge concrete slabs as 'sidewalks' and street benches with scribbled graffitti. This represents maybe a more deprived area of Los Angeles as there are no hills or trees seen in the video which are normally presented in big american movies, where the mise en scene is focused around Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive. Walking down the street there are a number of couples, wich represent happiness and love, they are also relitavely young cuples, this mimics the age group of the artist and makes the target age group of the video apparent. The artist gets on a bus which looks very different to the stereotypical red london bus we get in England, It is a single deckered bus and the layout is different to what we would usually see. There are a number of 'attractive' girls throughout the video, with clothing and make up that wee would associate with this genre in particular, such as low slung jeans, low cu tops, fairly heavy make up and 'bling'.

The same few camera shots feature throughout the video. These are  Medium close up's, tilts, Long shots, track and close up's. The predoominant camera shot in the music video is the track which follows Chris Brown down the street whilst he sings and dances. There are also alot of medium close ups of the artist singing to the camera which gives the idea of the artist singing to the viewer of the video. This shot on the left is a low shot which represents Chris as being 'on top of the world' this could be a symbol of his hapiness and why he is singing about love and having the 'only one'. There is also a tilt when the camera goes from high to low then almost goes under so it looks as if the artist is stanfding on top of the camera, it does a 360 degree shot which is quite effective.

The editing is quite fast paced throghout this music video with short shots cutting from one to another. There is one part of editing that stands out from the others and that is the colour change of his shirt whilst singing. The shirt changes colour from blue to purple to green and has almost a diamond sparkle effect which is iconic of being happy and excited. Also toward the end of the video there is a scene where he is kneeling in the middle of a busy road whilst cars drive past, this symbolises how he will do anything for this girl and even willing to risk his own life. The cars driving past have been sped up around him so now they are only visible as 'neon' like lights whizzng past. although the cars have been sped up his speed remains the same which is cleverly edited. The guitar is also edited in throughout the video which shows the soft acoustic side of this song.

The overall messgae of this video ios that its nice to be in a relationship and that it makes you happy to find that one special person to spend time with. There is social identification in this video as you can easily associate yourself with the people in this video as its a snapshot of everyday life, busses, cars, street lamps, trash cans and graffiti. There is a predominant social group represented in this video and thats the younger generation. The couples walking down the street and driving past the artist in a car are all younger boys and girls, there are also a group of young boys who skate past on their skateboards, something that is strongly associated with the youth group.

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